
After last week’s post on the correct (and easiest) way to cook dried beans, I’m sure you all went out and immediately started cooking dried beans. But in case the thought of having to begin dinner preparations at lunch is too daunting (I completely understand!), here’s a great lentil recipe (lentils are a type ofContinue reading “Mujadara”

The 2020 Gift Giving Guide

It’s hard to come up with good holiday present ideas for everybody on the list, especially when it’s the same people who pose a problem each year. So this year, in honor of the fact that life’s already pretty complicated, we decided if we couldn’t come up with a good gift idea, we’re taking theContinue reading “The 2020 Gift Giving Guide”

The Great Norwegian Christmas Tree Fraud

It’s suddenly December, and before I was even prepared for it decorations have appeared out of nowhere, Christmas music fills the air, and we’ve all begun to be inundated with those stupid Lexus $50K-SUV-with-a-red-bow-on-top ads. Ah, yes, it’s time for that uniquely cacophonous five-week period of American culture known as the Holiday Season. For myContinue reading “The Great Norwegian Christmas Tree Fraud”